Time To Play Some Teemo (Or Why You Should Play Teemo)

League players, it’s time to play some Teemo and make both your team and the other team mad. This shroom spewing giggly yordle that loves to cosplay as a superhero or a special agent can tilt everyone like no other League of Legends champion can.

Let’s be serious!

We all know he is Satan himself and Riot did manage to create something truly unique with Teemo.

Everyone LOVES or HATES Teemo. There is no in-between. Well, most people hate him. With this in mind, it should be no surprise to see that Teemo is number 72 on the list of play percentages right now. Even so, its win rate is 50.8%. This is not bad. Actually, my personal belief is that it can be higher if people took Teemo seriously. Especially in season 11 since he can be pretty good at making tanks irrelevant during the early game.

But… playing Teemo is much more than just fighting women with sword legs, mountains, or huge axe-wielding soldiers in the top lane.

You should seriously consider playing Teemo, at least from time to time, and I will give you some reasons why.

Reason Number One –Teemo Is Uber Annoying

There is only one laugh in this game that is more annoying than Teemo’s. Blitzcrank’s. So, if you play Teemo, you absolutely need to get used to spam the laugh. It can tilt the hell out of literally everyone.

From the moment you lock in Teemo, the other team will either want to murder you or will be afraid of you. There are some champions that simply hate Teemo because of that blinding dart he has while others can one-shot him with ease. Regardless of what ends up being locked in, you can be sure that Teemo will make the other team a little mad, or at least some of the players on the other team will get a little mad. I’ve seen junglers blindly try to kill the top lane Teemo over and over again, fail and keep trying while the rest of the team wins the game for the little yordle.

Reason Number Two – Teemo’s Kit Is Surprisingly Strong

Let’s ignore the annoying nature of Captain Satan and look at his kit.

For starters, he can become invisible. This can lead to so much time wasted as people blindly try to hit you in the bush. Then, we have Teemo’s best skill. Not his ultimate. His Q, Blinding Dart. This makes the opponent unable to auto attack for 1.5 to 2.5 seconds, which is a pretty long time. A properly timed Q can ruin the entire fight for champions like Master Yi, ADCs, or Camille. It is the main reason why Nasus players used to ban Teemo in the past.

But, Teemo is weak and you hit him really hard. Just do not chase him. His W, Move Quick, gives you passive movement speed, and an active that speeds you up even more. Add some runes to the mix and the yordle becomes very slippery.

Teemo’s E, Toxic Shot, does not seem to be that much. However, it means his auto attacks become poisoned for 4 seconds and the on-hit damage also gets a boost. Liandry’s just works great with Toxic Shot, just like with all on-hit effects. This is why he can be a very strong lane bully.


Of course, we have to talk about those shrooms. Teemo can kill you while laughing in the base. Your opponents will be forced to buy a sweeper or will suffer a LOT. Don’t tell me you were not killed by a shroom and you did not curse at Captain Satan. You are just lying.

Ow. One more thing. Teemo offers insane vision control, which is priceless in this game. And he can go splitpushing. He is not as fast as all champions, but he is pretty fast, especially if you choose speed runes.

Reason Number Three – Teemo Can Be Played Anywhere And However You Want To

  • Teemo top? Yes
  • Teemo mid? Yes
  • Teemo support? Jungle? APC? Yes
  • Tank teemo? Yes.
  • AD Teemo? Yes.
  • Tank jungler Teemo? Whatever you want.

Teemo’s kit is so versatile that you can build him however you want. In fact, there is a challenger Teemo player and streamer, iPav, that has a Taimo book. You can find there the best items and builds based on matchup. But, Teemo is even more than that. You can play him however you want to, and this is a huge advantage.

Reason Number Four – Teemo Can Troll Your Team

Are there some clear toxic players in the pre-game chat? Do they clearly stand out as horrible human beings?

Play Teemo!

There is a pretty good possibility someone will just dodge because he/she hates the yordle and you get rid of a bad situation. If that does not happen, you can at least have some fun. You can steal some kills, laugh in their face, hide right next to them and get their kills, and be very obnoxious.

But isn’t that bad?

Of course it is but let’s think about the fact that Riot Games does not really care about the community and the toxicity in it anyway. I will talk about this in a future video, but I have to say that playing the game properly does not mean trolling. You are free to play Teemo and do it however you want to. And you can expose the horrible toxic trollers since they will surely flame you. And you can report them after and make the game better for others. Well, that will be the case when Riot will finally figure out that this is important.

Reason Number Five – Teemo Requires Skill To Play Him

Here’s the deal. Teemo looks like a shroom spewing machine and many think that the shroom is the only thing that is good with the champion. They will also tell you that the yordle only has the shroom. This is incorrect.

It is actually very difficult to play Teemo right. You need to learn to dodge, where to put shrooms, when to split push, when to go a specific build, where to hide to trap someone, and so much more. Even the order in which you choose your items based on the opponent is much more difficult than you might think.

So, if you want to learn a champion that is difficult to play and master, Teemo is a surprisingly good pick. A simple dodge can lead to a kill. Even timing your Q is not as easy as it seems. I will give you just a simple example, Master Yi, the bane of lower ELO. Most people that play Teemo will use his Q as the first thing they do, when it would be so much better when you would time it so that Yi would not easily get away with just pressing W.

Some Final Thoughts

I definitely love Teemo and I believe you should give him a try. Just play 10 games with him. Just make sure that you watch a guide before you do, or maybe iPav, who I mentioned before.

I started picking up Teemo simply because I was fed up with this game and the huge toxicity that is seen in the community. One day, I decided to create an account where I play mostly Teemo. And I learned his kit, different builds, and how to play against different champions. And I tell you, I am having the time of my life when people curse at me in-game. Both teammates and the other team. Causing Teemo stress disorder is a blast and Teemo is literally the only champion in this game that will expose the toxic players like no other can.

Now, thank you for your time and I hope you will pick up some Teemo. I strongly believe you will have fun when you learn how to play him properly.

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